Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Rant! Rant! Rant!

For the longest time I have been ill and cannot recover. I usually get much better after sleeping but I have been sleeping a lot and the condition remained the same. I must be under stress. Things have not been going well for me. A lot of things just cannot be completed. Sales which is already at hand cannot be concluded and has to be canceled. I feel like falling into an emotional breakdown.

Looking back at things, my life has really been too good. My rate of failures and rejections are relatively low and yet I find it really hard to stomach losing and move on. It makes me wonder how can somebody take so many rejections in life and I have seen many people who have to go through that. Is there no dignity, chance and future? I really feel sorry for them. 

As a matter of fact, I have been feeling loveless. Despite being a positive, optimistic and enthusiastic person, I feel drained, weakened and helpless. I just hate this feeling of hanging in the air and indecisive of how to move forward…

Maybe it’s a sign that things don’t happen don’t happen for a reason (I’m referring to my rental cases and there has been a lot of heartaches). Come on come on, let me have a good thing. I wish that when I fall, I will just pick myself up and started running again. Its great if I learned my lesson so that I don’t fall the same place again but its also good if I don’t know why I fell but I kept moving again cause staying where I fell and cry ain’t gonna get me nowhere.

Alright, just read the through 100 inspirational quotes and now I’m feeling much better.

I wrote the paragraphs above 12 hours ago. The inspirational quotes had significant effects on me. I’m still not feeling well but now, I’m up and running again. This time, it took me about 40 hours to pick myself up since the last defeat. The next time, I shall recover much faster!

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