Monday, June 17, 2013

Our minds are like our gardens

While doing some gardening earlier, I realized our minds are like our gardens. If left unattended, various plants, greens and weeds will grow. To have a beautiful garden, we need to plant flowers, uproot unwanted weeds and look after it regularly.

Similarly, to have a healthy mind and live a happy life, we need plant positive thoughts, filter out the negative influences and take care of the company we are mixing with. In today's world we receive plenty of information daily. Some are good while others are really not good. Some are beneficial to us while others only do us harm. 

Just like the unwanted weeds which will inevitably grow in our gardens, we cannot help seeing large scale catastrophes happening around us or hearing small back biting talks among our peers. Just like the gardener's choice to uproot the weeds and water the flowers, we need to clear our heads from negativities and promote positive thinking.

Just like maintaining a beautiful garden, it takes effort to create a beautiful, positive and productive mind. I believe this effort is definitely worth spending on.

Another yummy, home cooked dinner. Looking at the color, one can only say I am a health conscious person.