Saturday, May 31, 2014

Phone and Internet

Today we are living in a world where the mobile phone and internet is inseparable from us. In fact, if I can only choose an item to bring with me, I would choose the mobile phone over wallet or keys.

I was away to the jungle for two and a half days and this is what I got:

403 whatsapp messages!!! This is worse than the time I went overseas. At least, there was roaming and Wifi internet.

Our phones play such a significant role in our lives that I cannot even imagine not having them.

Monday, May 26, 2014

How Life Works

Finished reading the book, How Life Works by Andrew Matthews in 2 days during the 2014 NAC. Andrew's book is really interesting because it has a lot of cartoons drawn with the words. He speaks with words and pictures.

The book talks about how we always attract what we think and explains why some people always have good things happening to them while some others always get themselves into the same mess. This is similar to the other books about our subconscious minds and law of attraction.

Then Andrew went on to talk about detachment, acceptance and forgiveness. Detachment is about stop struggling or trying too hard but to let go and let things flow. Giving with joy is one way to make us happy and be detached. Acceptance is about accepting how things are and recognition that ,"This is a part of my journey". Acceptance allows us to move on. Same goes for forgiveness. Forgiveness sets us free. Andrew states that to achieve our goals, the hard way is forcing things to happen while the easy way is allowing things to happen. 

So what is the formula for success and happiness?
Live with joy and enthusiasm
Use your imagination to create vivid pictures of what you want
Persists toward your goals in a light-heated happy way
Live without fear and prejudice
Let go off disappointments
Forgive in a heartbeat
Love for no reason

Many people believe, "Success makes you happy." The truth is; happiness makes you successful.

Next, Andrew continues with Be Grateful, Living in the now and Love Yourself. How can we love ourselves?

You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection. Buddha

He also encourage us to meditate.The purpose of meditation is TO BE without purpose.  We are so busy "doing", we often forgery to be human "beings". Meditation is the ultimate exercise in detachment and feeling good.

Andrew concluded by asking, "Why am I here?" Imagine for a moment that we gathered some spiritual masters - Jesus, Buddha,  Muhammad, Lao Tzu - and asked them to answer some big questions, they would all agree on the answers.

What am I?
You are a spark of God, or Source. Your essence is love. The rest is illusion or wrong thinking.

What is my goal?
To think like Good thinks. To love like God loves. To create like God creates.

In summary, we are a spirit having a physical experience. The major rules of the game are:
Accept - yourself, others and your current situation
Forgive - yourself and others
Be Grateful
Live In The Moment
Feel Your Goals Already Achieved
Replace Fear With Love and Kindness
Be Happy