Thursday, April 30, 2015

How I became a Baha'i

Everyone has his or her unique story…

I always tell people it was a chance encounter. I was reading the book Business Stripped Bare by Richard Branson and one of the short stories talked about the SOHO founder, Zhang Xin. Being in the property line, I was curious to know more about this lady tycoon. I googled her profile and found out that she’s graduated with a Master’s degree from Cambridge and worked in Goldman Sachs before quitting her job to found SOHO in China. Towards the end of her biodata, it spells, “Zhang Xin and her husband, Pan Shiyi, have been members of the Baha’i Faith since 2005.”

I was intrigued. What is this Baha’i Faith which I have never heard of?  So next, I googled Baha’i Faith and learnt that the founder, Baha’u’llah teaches that God is one, Religion is one and mankind is one. There are many principles that the Baha’is uphold such as equality of man and woman, science and religion must go hand in hand and universal language etc. I have always believed in these principles as the way of life and got very excited that such a religion exists.

After that, I googled Baha’i Malaysia to see if this Faith is in my country. Lo and behold, the national centre is just situated near Old Klang Road. The day after, I dropped by the centre and met with Uncle Sinna who was then a National Spiritual Assembly member. He expounded the Faith more and introduced me to a family in the immediate neighbourhood where I was staying. I began to study more about the Faith and the Baha’i community and the rest is history…

What a coincidence right? From a business book to a new found religion. What I seldom tell people is before I came across the Baha’i Faith, I have been praying to God. I was a free thinker in the sense that I believe every religion intends to promote good. You can also call me agnostic because I believe that God may or may not exist but since we cannot prove it, why worry about it. Though, based on my little logic;

1.      If energy cannot be created or destroyed, then where do all the matter and energies in the universe come from?
2.      If we look at the sun, the stars and the planets, everything is in order, one is orbiting another.
3.      If we look at the Earth and its fragile ecosystem, it’s hard to imagine how random energy which forms random masses (atoms and molecules) can lead to life on Earth as we know today.

I think the probably of a higher intelligent Being created the universe and the Earth is much higher than the universe and the Earth to form on its own. After all, human beings can program the whole universe and the Earth using a super computer. So why can’t we be a product of a creator called God? So, I prayed to God. I prayed for God to lead me to Him and to lead me to the right path.

To share a bit of a background: When I started the real estate business, things were tough. On top of that, there were many temptations for vice activities and corruptions. I didn't want to fall into the abyss and hence I prayed even though I didn't have a religion. I prayed because logically it was win-win. If God exists, I’m sure He would answer my prayer but if He doesn't, it would be auto-suggestion to my sub-conscious mind to walk the right path.

The Baha’i Faith came to me in a manner I was more receptive in. I’m the kind of person that;

If you tell me, I would listen but I may not believe you;
If you show me, I would observe but I may not follow;
But if it was “self-discovery”, it’s a completely different story.

So friends, is it a chance encounter or a prayer answered?