Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Thaipusam in Batu Caves 27 Jan 2013

After almost 29 years being a Malaysian, I finally set foot on one the the most famous Malaysia heritage, the Batu Caves. Every year, thousands and millions of our Hindu friends visit this place during the Thaipusam festival.

I didn't focus much on the event as the crowd was too big and I rather spend time serving food as a charity event invited by Nimalen. The charity food serving started since Nimalen's grandpa time. At that time, the food was given from a van. Then, the crowd grew larger and they began to pitch tents. Over the years, the tents grew bigger until one day they raised funds to build a hall.

 The hall can fill up to about 250 people at one time and the place is cleaned before the next group of people are allowed to come in.
Volunteers systematically serve food starting from the banana leaf and then followed by vegetables, rice, curry and papadom (thin, crisp Indian bread made from lentil flour).

It was tiring but was interesting and I truly enjoyed being there. I should have taken some photos of how the food was prepared and cooked. After all, cooking for about 15,000 servings is no easy feat. Shall take some photos next year.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Bernard Ong, Family and the Baha'i Faith

Met with Bernard Ong and family couple of hours ago. Lovely family they are and it was a great pleasure meeting them. The purpose of me meeting Bernard is to learn more of the Baha'i Faith and I find the Baha'i Faith very relevant especially in today's society.

How the series of events unfolded itself were interesting discoveries and I cannot think of a more appealing discovery. I was reading the book, Business Stripped Bare by Richard Branson and in one of his stories, Richard was talking about Zhang Xin, a highly successful Chinese lady who founded SOHO China. Being someone from the real estate industry, I'm curious to know who Zhang Xin and and googled her name. Her profile is outstanding but I was most curious about the Baha'i Faith which she adopted. That was how I learned about Baha'i.

Am looking forward and really excited to study more of the Baha'i Faith. I'm sure the discovery will be enriching, fulfilling and rewarding.

On a separate note, it is decided that on Jahn 6 I quit alcohol and and Jan 8 I quit smoking. The cigarette a friend offered me was my last and I truly enjoyed it. However, I cannot agree more with the stories by Zig Ziglar. My favourite story is the one where Ziglar's mum commenting on his childhood friend being the 'worst kind of drinker'. Ziglar half jokingly asked, "what is the worst kind of drinker?" His mum answered that the classmate would buy a bottle and in the quietness of his home, take a drink. He never denied his family anything, never became abusive and never got drunk. His drinking did not affect his job, that he was a respected member of the community and had recently elected to a political post.

If you are like most people wondering is that really the 'worst kind of drinker'? Be assured in no uncertain term it is and the reasoning is simple. He set a "good" example of drinking and his children saw nothing wrong with Dad, who worked so hard to support them, relaxing and taking a drink. They identified drinking with a kind, considerate devoted husband and father. Had he been inclined to abuse his family and deny them the necessities of life, the children would have been disgusted with drinking. Personally, I witness this in my extended family. Some of the younger generation ones are already suffering the consequences because we see nothing wrong with drinking and smoking.

 10 Jan 2013

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013 Resolution

The year 2013 is set to be my best year. I have set myself exciting, challenging and achievable goals. This is my 2013 New Year Resolution:
  1. Physical exercise – I completed 5 runs including 2 half marathons in 2012. In 2013, I shall complete 5 runs including a full marathon.
  2. Financial – My goal for 2012 fell below target of RM220,000. This year, with more experience and honed skills, I aim for a yearly income of RM350,000.
  3. Reading – In 2012, I read 9 and half books. In 2013, I shall read minimum 10 books.
  4. Social activities – My last year’s goal was to attend 2 parties or social activities every month. This year, I shall join 8 every quarter.
  5. Spiritual – I shall pray every day and meditate at least 5 minutes every day.
  6. Public speaking – Thanks to the encouragement from a friend, I finally re-joined the Toastmaster and completed 5 speeches from the Competent Communicator manual. This year, I shall complete all the 10 speeches and be a Competent Communicator.
  7. Traveling – The aim is to travel once every quarter with at least an international, 2 close to nature and 2 family tours. My ski trip to Korea did not happen last year and is brought forward to this year provided I achieve my financial goal.
  8. Soul Mate – This year, I shall ask for dates, go dating and get myself a truthful, faithful and filial girlfriend.
  9. Learn a new skill – Undecided on what to learn yet but I want it to be related to art.
  10. Writing – This year, I shall write consistently and post at least 3 entries every month.
May all who read this be my witnesses, support and encourage me as I journey into a successful 2013.