Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013 Resolution

The year 2013 is set to be my best year. I have set myself exciting, challenging and achievable goals. This is my 2013 New Year Resolution:
  1. Physical exercise – I completed 5 runs including 2 half marathons in 2012. In 2013, I shall complete 5 runs including a full marathon.
  2. Financial – My goal for 2012 fell below target of RM220,000. This year, with more experience and honed skills, I aim for a yearly income of RM350,000.
  3. Reading – In 2012, I read 9 and half books. In 2013, I shall read minimum 10 books.
  4. Social activities – My last year’s goal was to attend 2 parties or social activities every month. This year, I shall join 8 every quarter.
  5. Spiritual – I shall pray every day and meditate at least 5 minutes every day.
  6. Public speaking – Thanks to the encouragement from a friend, I finally re-joined the Toastmaster and completed 5 speeches from the Competent Communicator manual. This year, I shall complete all the 10 speeches and be a Competent Communicator.
  7. Traveling – The aim is to travel once every quarter with at least an international, 2 close to nature and 2 family tours. My ski trip to Korea did not happen last year and is brought forward to this year provided I achieve my financial goal.
  8. Soul Mate – This year, I shall ask for dates, go dating and get myself a truthful, faithful and filial girlfriend.
  9. Learn a new skill – Undecided on what to learn yet but I want it to be related to art.
  10. Writing – This year, I shall write consistently and post at least 3 entries every month.
May all who read this be my witnesses, support and encourage me as I journey into a successful 2013.

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