Saturday, April 19, 2014

Bribery and Giving Tips

Earlier today I was given a ticket from the police for parking my car at KLIA. When I saw the policeman, I quickly rushed towards him and asked him for a chance. He said it was too late and continued writing the summon.

Then he asked what I do, where I stay and what I do. I asked him how much does the ticket cost and he said RM150. I asked if I can get a discount if I settle early. He said no and there's late payment charges. Later, he continued to say he can help to settle for only RM50. Openly, he asked for a bribe.

Lying and bribing are two things which I am strongly against. I told him I will settle myself but forgot to thank him for not accepting bribes. In this world, bribery is so rampant that sometimes people just bribe to get away with things or get things done their And I think that the giver is worse than the receiver thought both are just bad.

Many years ago, someone asked if I consider giving tips as wrong. I quickly answered no and asked why. He then explained how tipping is similar to bribery. I agree with him in the sense that people who give tips or tip more will enjoy better service than others. But then again, why should we not do our best and give our best service regardless of the rewards? At the end of the day, we are the ones who sow what we reap.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Being and Living the Moment

I'm reading the book A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle and about to finish now. This book is surprising interesting although it is not easy to understand. For some reasons, I can relate to the book; partly due to the author himself and mainly due to my belief in the Baha'i Teachings and Principles.

Ego, the paradox of time and consciousness presented here hold a lot of truth. Take the paradox of time for example. I am someone who is always ponder about my past and think about my future. The thoughts in my mind occupy my time more than what's happening at the present moment. I also think too much and act too little.

According to Eckhart, the purpose in life always lie with the moment. For example, I am now sitting in front of my computer and writing this blog, this is my purpose. My thoughts should not wander to thinking about other things. If my phone rings, then my primary purpose becomes to reach for the phone while the secondary purpose is to answer it.

I find this idea particularly empowering because it keeps us focused in whatever we do. Believe me, when we are totally engrossed with whatever we are doing, we will produce surprising high quality results. In other words, we are living life to the fullest. In psychology, this is called flow, a mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement and enjoyment in the process of the activity. Notice the words 'full involvement' and 'enjoyment'.

As a Baha'i, I believe that my life purpose is to know God and to worship Him. To know and to worship imply actions and to worship God can be further broken down to many actions such as work, serving others and pray etc. These actions are inseparable from our daily lives. Worship also implies presence and focus. Combining presence in our daily lives and focusing in whatever we are doing, we are living the purpose of our lives. Being totally present, we are in the joy of being.

The Baha'i prayers often touch on the protection on vain imaginings and corrupt desires, both are inseparable from thinking and ego. Not to get me wrong in the sense that we should just do and not think. Rather, the awareness and consciousness should come first.