Friday, June 27, 2014

Bounty of God

After making my first contribution to the Baha'i Fund in Aug 2013, business opportunities started pouring in. I can remember clearly that time because I was running out of cash to go for a business trip in Kota Kinabalu. Despite having little, I contributed the remaining cash I had and expected money to come in before flying. Lo and behold, some cash came in the day before I took the flight. After that, I began to close more deals and even had the opportunity to do project marketing.

Therefore, I always believe that all I have is the bounty of God and His generosity towards me. None belongs to me and I have the responsibility to share this bounty with the needy ones. Just like how the Lord has been generous to me, I must also be generous to others.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Fruitless Times

There are periods of time when I would just waste my life away doing useless things like reading manga over long hours and sleeping a lot. I would be so demotivated to do other important things unless they are urgent.

I thought its due to a lack of sense in purpose but that's not true because I clearly know what I need to achieve. It is probably due to complacency but there are a lot more I want to achieve. It's terrible when the body, mind and spirit are not in sync. I feel imprisoned...

Monday, June 02, 2014

A Tale of Two Trees

There was a gardener who planted two saplings. He took great care of the trees, gave them water, fertilizer and removed the weeds. As the years passed, the trees grew and began to bear fruits.

The gardener decided that the trees are now matured and left them to grow other trees. Tree A realized that the time to give back has come. Tree B however resented the gardener for stopping to care for them and decided to stop producing. Over time, tree A continued to flourish and bear more fruits. On the other hand, tree B withered and no longer bear any fruits.

 One day the gardener returned. What would you do if you are the gardener?