Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My first home part 2

On Nov 20th, I paid for my my first house. It was quite a drama as I almost couldn't get my bank loan to finance the purchase.

Right on the deadline when I had decided to cancel the purchase, the Uob banker called me and said my application will be perfectly fine. I trusted her and withdrawn my cancellation. I proceeded with the deal and considered the last resort of financing the purchase by cash.

The next day, my loan was approved and everything went smoothly after that. Today, I took vacant possession of the house. There seem to have quite a bit of reno to be done. I'm not quite prepared for it but what that had got to be done, has got to be done.

I an grateful of everything that has happened to me.

Gaming and I

I cannot play game. When I play game, I simply cannot stop until I stop completely. In fact, I will think about the game all day long, often more than anything else.

I kept telling myself that this is not spiritual at all. I am being absent minded. However, I tend to get pretty competitive when it comes to games. If only, I can transfer the passion in gaming to activities which are more beneficial to mankind...

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Fasting Month

The Baha'is fast for 19 days in March before celebrating the New Year, Nawruz, when the sun is right at the equinoxes. Usually, that falls on the 21st March. The fasting time is from sunrise to sunset.

I have been enjoying fasting month this year because there are many open houses by the friends. I believe I have been overeating during breaking of fast. I feel healthier too as I observe my eating and drinking time properly.

Other than the spiritual benefits, there are also many physical benefits of fasting. When the body is starved of food, it starts to burn fat so that it can make energy. This can lead to weight loss. However, if you fast for too long your body will eventually start breaking down muscle protein for energy, which is unhealthy.

There are many other benefits of fasting. You can easily google it online. I’m too lazy to read the articles now.