Wednesday, December 11, 2013

2013 Review

Looking back at my 2013 Resolution, let's see what I have gained or missed.

  1. Physical exercise - I have completely missed this goal. I need more motivation to exercise...
  2. Financial - My financial goal proved to be unrealistic but as the saying goes, "Shoot for the moon, if you miss, you'll land among the stars." I'm happy and grateful with my financial performance this year. :)
  3. Reading - I'm on track to finish reading 6 books. Q2 was spent on studying for exams and I consider myself hitting this goal. :)
  4. Social activities - Q4 was filled with many activities and allowed me to achieve this goal. :)
  5. Spiritual - I have exceed my goal this year and now have the habit to pray and meditate this year. :)
  6. Public speaking - This should be Toastmaster goal. Also, managed to achieve my goal to be a competent communicator last week. :)
  7. Travelling - I had 6 travelling opportunities including 2 international ones to Thailand and Singapore. I was only aiming to travel once every quarter. :)
  8. Soul Mate - Still groping in the dark. I shall put in more effort next year!
  9. Learn a new skill - I learned none. Need a little pushing here.
  10. Writing - I actually struggled to write 3 blog entries a month. Gotta put more effort here too!
Out of the 10 various goals I set for myself, I have hit 6 of them with outstanding achievement for the spiritual and travelling goals. 2 were complete missed and another 2 were making progress.

Overall, I consider myself hitting 70% of my 2013 Resolution. I can be proud of this achievement! :D

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