Saturday, February 14, 2015

Lesson I learnt

My life can be divided to a few major phases; childhood, college, university and the present.

My time in Taylor’s college was the worst. People gained freedom after leaving their homes and losing their parents’ 24/7 supervision. But me? I lost freedom after leaving my home. Before, I could go anywhere I wanted. I could hang out with anyone I wanted. I could do anything I wanted. In college, I couldn’t go anywhere and do much. i had no transport and no money. I kept living in the good ol’ days and didn’t realize the friends in college are some of the best people I have ever met. There were only 6 boys in my class and the rest were chicks. Looking back, I could have done so much more. Lesson learnt; live in the present, not in the past.

Shortly after college, I flew to one of the most vibrant metropolitan in the world, London. Life was more enjoyable as there were a lot more to do. However, I knew my time there was limited and I would return to Malaysia. I ended up hanging out with our fellow Malaysians mostly. I did not make any special relationships for fearing the short future. 4 years in London and I cannot recall any sweet, impactful and memorable memory. Looking back, I could have achieved so much more. Lesson learnt; live in the present, not in the future.

Working life started after returning to Malaysia. Guess what? Life only gets more challenging. There are traffic jams to brave every day, humongous credit card bills at your door step every month and we are not getting younger every year. However, I have learnt to live in the present. I do the things my heart leads me to. I quit the corporate to be an entrepreneur. I give and share my time and energy to build a closer and happier community. Yes, the future is uncertain but I’m 100% sure I will not wake up tomorrow regretting the things I didn’t do today. A friend, Wai Lek asked if I have found true joy. I said I don’t know if its true joy but I have found joy I have never known. There are so many more wonderful things I wish to share with you all here but there is so little time. I can only sum it to one lesson learnt; live in the present, not in the past or in the future.

We cannot change the past. Why cry over spilt milk? We cannot know what the future behold, why worry when we might not have tomorrow? Friends, what we have is today, you and me and our loved ones. Cherish what we have, do what matter most and tell the people we love, we love them. Live life to the fullest, life the present. 

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