Saturday, February 28, 2015

A traffic jam rant

I would have been very grateful and thankful if Malaysia is a safe and secure country. Unfortunately, the crime rate has been troublesome and worrisome.

So, I'm really pissed when I'm stuck in the traffic jam on the North South highway and the police are catching the motorist who used the emergency lane. Shouldn't the police be directing the cars to ease traffic instead?

I typed the above when during the traffic jam about a week ago. Now that my head has cooled down, I really want to be thankful for everyone who has offered their service to maintain the peace in the country. I wish that there’s more I could do help the situation but the situation looks pretty grim.

I do hope that one of my children will join the police force and restore the confidence towards the authority. We all need to remember that our purpose in life is to serve mankind.

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