Saturday, August 11, 2012

Saturday - Then and Today

Here I am lying on my bed in front of my computer. My mind keeps telling my body to work but my body just wanna laze around wasting priceless time.

The me a few years back would most likely be playing computer games at this hour of the day. I used to spend more than 6 hours playing computer games back in school. Then, I tried to cut down the time of playing games thinking that if I was to spend those hours doing something more beneficial or productive, my life would have been so much meaningful. In university, the habit stayed. Partly it was because playing computer games is one of the cheapest entertainment. However, I could have used the playing time to work part time instead.

In all honesty, I don't think that playing games was not a total waste of time. After all, it keeps my mind active since young. Other than that, I co-founded my university's Gaming Club. Till today, I am in the email loop and receiving emails from the current members. Back then, it was nothing proud to have started a gaming club but now I feel that, unexpectedly, I have left a legacy behind. Twenty plus years down the road, if I can send my kids to the same university, I'm sure I will be proud to tell them that their father started the gaming club there.

Today, I have sort of given up on playing computer games but everyday I still play games on my tablet. Occasionally, I would play board games with the usual gang. I am glad that I have been reading more frequently nowadays and I would love to have a habit of writing and speaking as well.

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