Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Pressure & Tension

Read an interesting excerpt on this title:

"The quality of a guitar's sound is influenced by the weight and tension of its string. As a musician plucks the strings, the soundboard amplifies the otherwise faint sound, adds a unique quality, and allows it to carry much further than would otherwise be possible.

The same can be true for you. Pressure and tension are guaranteed. Depending on the character you have built in your life, pressure will cause you to either 'snap' or to respond with the graceful tone of a carefully crafted guitar. Wherever you go, challenges will occur.

Will tension and pressure cause you to 'snap', or will you respond with the melodious tone of a guitar?"

I like how this excerpt makes the analogy between the tension we face and that of a guitar string. As we all know, if the strings are too slack, no beautiful music can be produced. Contrary, if the strings are too tense or we pluck them with too much pressure, they will break.

Similarly, if we are too slack, we are unlikely to produce great results where else if we are too tense, or if there is too much pressure, our brains cannot function properly and we risk falling into a nervous breakdown. While it is easy to tune the guitar strings to produce the sound we want, how do we tune ourselves so that the tension and pressure we get is just right for optimum productivity?

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