Thursday, April 30, 2015

How I became a Baha'i

Everyone has his or her unique story…

I always tell people it was a chance encounter. I was reading the book Business Stripped Bare by Richard Branson and one of the short stories talked about the SOHO founder, Zhang Xin. Being in the property line, I was curious to know more about this lady tycoon. I googled her profile and found out that she’s graduated with a Master’s degree from Cambridge and worked in Goldman Sachs before quitting her job to found SOHO in China. Towards the end of her biodata, it spells, “Zhang Xin and her husband, Pan Shiyi, have been members of the Baha’i Faith since 2005.”

I was intrigued. What is this Baha’i Faith which I have never heard of?  So next, I googled Baha’i Faith and learnt that the founder, Baha’u’llah teaches that God is one, Religion is one and mankind is one. There are many principles that the Baha’is uphold such as equality of man and woman, science and religion must go hand in hand and universal language etc. I have always believed in these principles as the way of life and got very excited that such a religion exists.

After that, I googled Baha’i Malaysia to see if this Faith is in my country. Lo and behold, the national centre is just situated near Old Klang Road. The day after, I dropped by the centre and met with Uncle Sinna who was then a National Spiritual Assembly member. He expounded the Faith more and introduced me to a family in the immediate neighbourhood where I was staying. I began to study more about the Faith and the Baha’i community and the rest is history…

What a coincidence right? From a business book to a new found religion. What I seldom tell people is before I came across the Baha’i Faith, I have been praying to God. I was a free thinker in the sense that I believe every religion intends to promote good. You can also call me agnostic because I believe that God may or may not exist but since we cannot prove it, why worry about it. Though, based on my little logic;

1.      If energy cannot be created or destroyed, then where do all the matter and energies in the universe come from?
2.      If we look at the sun, the stars and the planets, everything is in order, one is orbiting another.
3.      If we look at the Earth and its fragile ecosystem, it’s hard to imagine how random energy which forms random masses (atoms and molecules) can lead to life on Earth as we know today.

I think the probably of a higher intelligent Being created the universe and the Earth is much higher than the universe and the Earth to form on its own. After all, human beings can program the whole universe and the Earth using a super computer. So why can’t we be a product of a creator called God? So, I prayed to God. I prayed for God to lead me to Him and to lead me to the right path.

To share a bit of a background: When I started the real estate business, things were tough. On top of that, there were many temptations for vice activities and corruptions. I didn't want to fall into the abyss and hence I prayed even though I didn't have a religion. I prayed because logically it was win-win. If God exists, I’m sure He would answer my prayer but if He doesn't, it would be auto-suggestion to my sub-conscious mind to walk the right path.

The Baha’i Faith came to me in a manner I was more receptive in. I’m the kind of person that;

If you tell me, I would listen but I may not believe you;
If you show me, I would observe but I may not follow;
But if it was “self-discovery”, it’s a completely different story.

So friends, is it a chance encounter or a prayer answered?

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My first home part 2

On Nov 20th, I paid for my my first house. It was quite a drama as I almost couldn't get my bank loan to finance the purchase.

Right on the deadline when I had decided to cancel the purchase, the Uob banker called me and said my application will be perfectly fine. I trusted her and withdrawn my cancellation. I proceeded with the deal and considered the last resort of financing the purchase by cash.

The next day, my loan was approved and everything went smoothly after that. Today, I took vacant possession of the house. There seem to have quite a bit of reno to be done. I'm not quite prepared for it but what that had got to be done, has got to be done.

I an grateful of everything that has happened to me.

Gaming and I

I cannot play game. When I play game, I simply cannot stop until I stop completely. In fact, I will think about the game all day long, often more than anything else.

I kept telling myself that this is not spiritual at all. I am being absent minded. However, I tend to get pretty competitive when it comes to games. If only, I can transfer the passion in gaming to activities which are more beneficial to mankind...

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Fasting Month

The Baha'is fast for 19 days in March before celebrating the New Year, Nawruz, when the sun is right at the equinoxes. Usually, that falls on the 21st March. The fasting time is from sunrise to sunset.

I have been enjoying fasting month this year because there are many open houses by the friends. I believe I have been overeating during breaking of fast. I feel healthier too as I observe my eating and drinking time properly.

Other than the spiritual benefits, there are also many physical benefits of fasting. When the body is starved of food, it starts to burn fat so that it can make energy. This can lead to weight loss. However, if you fast for too long your body will eventually start breaking down muscle protein for energy, which is unhealthy.

There are many other benefits of fasting. You can easily google it online. I’m too lazy to read the articles now.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

A traffic jam rant

I would have been very grateful and thankful if Malaysia is a safe and secure country. Unfortunately, the crime rate has been troublesome and worrisome.

So, I'm really pissed when I'm stuck in the traffic jam on the North South highway and the police are catching the motorist who used the emergency lane. Shouldn't the police be directing the cars to ease traffic instead?

I typed the above when during the traffic jam about a week ago. Now that my head has cooled down, I really want to be thankful for everyone who has offered their service to maintain the peace in the country. I wish that there’s more I could do help the situation but the situation looks pretty grim.

I do hope that one of my children will join the police force and restore the confidence towards the authority. We all need to remember that our purpose in life is to serve mankind.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Lesson I learnt

My life can be divided to a few major phases; childhood, college, university and the present.

My time in Taylor’s college was the worst. People gained freedom after leaving their homes and losing their parents’ 24/7 supervision. But me? I lost freedom after leaving my home. Before, I could go anywhere I wanted. I could hang out with anyone I wanted. I could do anything I wanted. In college, I couldn’t go anywhere and do much. i had no transport and no money. I kept living in the good ol’ days and didn’t realize the friends in college are some of the best people I have ever met. There were only 6 boys in my class and the rest were chicks. Looking back, I could have done so much more. Lesson learnt; live in the present, not in the past.

Shortly after college, I flew to one of the most vibrant metropolitan in the world, London. Life was more enjoyable as there were a lot more to do. However, I knew my time there was limited and I would return to Malaysia. I ended up hanging out with our fellow Malaysians mostly. I did not make any special relationships for fearing the short future. 4 years in London and I cannot recall any sweet, impactful and memorable memory. Looking back, I could have achieved so much more. Lesson learnt; live in the present, not in the future.

Working life started after returning to Malaysia. Guess what? Life only gets more challenging. There are traffic jams to brave every day, humongous credit card bills at your door step every month and we are not getting younger every year. However, I have learnt to live in the present. I do the things my heart leads me to. I quit the corporate to be an entrepreneur. I give and share my time and energy to build a closer and happier community. Yes, the future is uncertain but I’m 100% sure I will not wake up tomorrow regretting the things I didn’t do today. A friend, Wai Lek asked if I have found true joy. I said I don’t know if its true joy but I have found joy I have never known. There are so many more wonderful things I wish to share with you all here but there is so little time. I can only sum it to one lesson learnt; live in the present, not in the past or in the future.

We cannot change the past. Why cry over spilt milk? We cannot know what the future behold, why worry when we might not have tomorrow? Friends, what we have is today, you and me and our loved ones. Cherish what we have, do what matter most and tell the people we love, we love them. Live life to the fullest, life the present. 

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Besting oneself

Since I stopped running, my energy level has dropped significantly. Exercise is so important and yet, like many others, I can't get my ass up and make my body sweat.

Completing marathons some time back ago seem like such a miracle to achieve today. I definitely have taken the goals I set for myself for granted. Perhaps life has gotten too comfortable but being able to continue besting oneself is how we progress ourselves.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The better half

It all started from a chance meeting. A meeting which I should have missed. Fate had it that I managed to join the study circle 30 minutes before it ended. There, I met her for the first time.

I wondered if I would meet her again as she was visiting from another country. She added me as fb friend upon returning to Jakarta. I thanked her for adding as friend and swift as the blinking of an eye, we chat like best friends from childhood since then.

Everything feels so right. I supplicate for confirmation.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Ushering 2015

Looking back the past 2 months, I have not been achieving much. I have gotten much lazier and not following my goals. On top of that, my 2015 resolution has long overdue. Perhaps my life has gotten a little too comfortable.

Anyway, it is really time to gird up my loins and start working hard. Can't be daydreaming all the time without any effort. Motivation! Motivation! Motivation! How can I motivate myself?